Adsorb Out™ 75uL/vial, 25test/kit
EIA for Quantitative Determination of Anti-AT1R Antibodies, 40test/kit
C1qScreen™ HLA Class I & II, 25tests/kit
EIA for Quantitative Determination of Anti-ETAR Antibiodies, 40test/kit
FlowPRA Class I Positive Control, 240uL (10tests/vial)
FlowPRA Class II Positive Control, 240uL (10tests/vial)
FlowPRA Class I & II Negative Control, 240uL (10tests/vial)
LABScreen Single Antigen HLA Class I - Combi Cat , 25tests/kit
LABScreen Single Antigen Class I - Supplement (Group 1) , 25tests/kit
LABScreen PRA Class I, 25tests/kit
LABScreen Negative Control Serum, 20tests/vial