In particular, individuals from the family Enterobacteriaceae and the genus Pseudomonas are isolated and differentiated using MacConkey agar, a selective and differential media.
MacConkey agar's selective and differentiating properties allow it to be used for both research and clinical applications. Lactose fermentation produces organic acids, particularly lactic acid, which lowers the pH of the agar. Under acidic conditions, MacConkey agar contains a pH indicator that turns pink. Lactose-fermenting-gram-negatives (lactose fermenters) form pink colonies, whereas non-lactose fermenters form off-white opaque colonies.
MacConkey Agar is recommended for selective isolation of Escherichia coli from pharmaceutical products and is in accordance
with harmonized methodology of BP. It is also recommended for selective isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting
and lactose non fermenting enteric bacteria.
HiMedia has developed their own technology and stands among the world’s handful of companies possessing the high-tech knowhow for manufacturing microbiological culture media. HiMedia offers a very broad range of media formulations; standard media and customer specified media in dehydrated form for use in different fields; clinical, food, environment, cosmetic, dairy, water, pharmaceutical industries etc. This also includes media specified by various pharmacopoeias recommended for different applications as sterility testing, microbial limit tests etc.
Contact us for more information. MacConkey agar for microbiology supplier in Malaysia.